By purchasing MIDIGrade (later the "product") you agree to limit the use of the files you receive to only your own use. You may use a license of the product on one (1) computer at a time. To use the product on multiple computers, additional licenses (seats) need to be purchased.
You shall not copy, resell, sub-license, rent out, share or otherwise distribute the product, whether modified or not, to any third party.
Once the product has been purchased and downloaded by you, no right of cancellation or refund exists under the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 due to the electronic nature of the product. Any refunds shall be at our sole discretion. If you purchased the product from our store but haven't downloaded it yet, a refund is possible.
The product, whether modified or not, and all intellectual property and copyright contained therein, are and shall at all times remain our sole and exclusive property. You agree that under no circumstances shall you have or attempt to claim ownership of intellectual property rights or copyright in the product.